Monday, April 28, 2008


Posted by ShoZu

Half done job

25/04/2008, originally uploaded by Back-2-Nature.

This scene has remained unchanged for more than a month as I passed by here when I travel to work and back home. It was a widening of road for turning from Thomson road into Balestier road. In so doing, the pedestrian path was affected. Strangely, once the road was widened, the path was untouched till now. Another case of construction company went bust?

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Toa Payoh Town Garden

26/04/2008, originally uploaded by Back-2-Nature.

This is Toa Payoh Town Garden. I was riding my bicycle while snapping this photo with my N80. Originally intend to upload it directly through email on to a blog using the available free wirelessSG wifi there. However, it wasn't quite successful due to the probably slow uploading speed.

About Me

A guy, a husband, a father, a global citizen with opinions on how to make the world better. I think nature has many models for us to learn from, and not to go against. In nature, the family unit is an important issue that I focus quite a lot on. Blogging my personal opinions, thoughts, perspectives about life, family, education, society, the world, nature, universe, and etc. Friends have always find my perspective uncommon but rational and logical.